
"I am not afraid; I was born to do this." St. Joan of Arc

Placenta Encapsulation
Placenta Pills, Tinctures, Cord Keepsakes & More
Gentle Woman Birth Services provides women with APPA Certified (Association of Placenta Preparation Arts) Placenta Specialists. APPA is the safest and most knowledgeable certification organization not only in the US, but worldwide. All specialists are triple certified, meaning they are certified with the State of Louisiana, certified in Blood Borne Pathogens, and APPA certified *yearly* in order to be the most up-to-date specialists on the latest scientific information in our field. Our specialists proudly serve the Acadiana area!
"Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created." - Esther 4:14

Doula Services
Over 10 years of Experience
As a birth doula, Jenny accompanies women in labor both in person and virtually if needed to help attain a satisfying birth experience. She draws on all of her professional training, knowledge, and experience to provide emotional support and physical comfort, and facilitate communication with staff so that you can make informed decisions as they arise in labor. Jenny can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your spouse or birth partner, make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for comfort.